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Code of Conduct: All Activities & Events

ALL Students attending Area57 Activities & Events:

- Must participate in all the sessions/activities and/or stay with the group under adult supervision at all times.

- Need to listen to and follow Pastor Chantalle and other leader’s instruction(s).

- Must respect event rules, volunteers, leaders, and people in general (physically, mentally, sexually, spiritually). Any deviation, abuse or harm in these areas will be taken seriously and necessary steps will be taken to ensure individuals’ safety and discipline.

- Cannot fight, use/possess alcohol, drugs. cigarettes, vapes, fireworks, lighters, weapons, explosives or participate in any dangerous activities/inappropriate behaviour.

- Are allowed to use electronic devices for parental communication, road trips and during services (if applicable) for note-taking/bible reading unless otherwise instructed by the Pastor Chantalle. If used outside of these contexts (social media, games, texting, etc.), they may be temporarily confiscated at Adult Leader's discretion until the end of the night/event.


*Failure to abide by this code of conduct may result in a student/students getting sent home at a parent/guardian's expense.

Activities & Events

Activities may include, but are not limited to: local travel plans, youth conferences/concerts/retreats, on-site all-nighters, bowling, swimming, boating and related water activities, corn maze trips, ice skating, games in the park, soccer, volleyball, softball, baseball, basketball, dodgeball, hiking, Bible studies, small groups and off-site day and/or overnight events. Any out of town trips may require their own consent forms to be filled out.

Note: If you desire to limit your child's participation in any event, please submit your wishes in writing or via email to Pastor Chantalle at

Purpose & Extent

Generations Church is collecting and retaining this personal information for enrolling your child in Area57 events/activities, assigning them to the appropriate small groups, to ensure proper and effective contact with you, and to inform you of any updates regarding Area57. This information will be kept on file for legal purposes. If you wish for Generations Church to limit the information collected or if you want to view your child’s information in our records, please contact us at your convenience.

Consent, Waiver & Release

 I/we, the parents or guardians named below have legal custody of the minor(s) named above and give our consent for him/her/them to attend events being organized by Area57 and/or Generations Church in the 2024/2025 season of Area57 (Sept. 1st, 2024 to August 31st, 2025). 

I/we understand the risks involved in the various events and activities my child/children may participate in and authorize Generations Church, it’s Staff and Volunteer Leaders to assist my child/children if they are injured or ill while under their care according to the following procedures:

  1. Help the child immediately and perform necessary actions and/or interventions within our volunteer's means and training (including calling 911) while also getting a hold of you in person or by phone to inform you of the situation and ask you to assist.

  2. If we cannot contact you, we will contact the emergency contact you have given us and ask them to assist us in providing care for your child in their situation.

  3. If neither contact is available, we will either call 911 and/or take your child to the emergency room for medical attention depending on the situation at hand.

Furthermore, I/we, the parents or guardians named below, authorize one of Generations Church’s ministry staff members to sign a consent for medical treatment and authorize any physician or hospital to provide medical assessment, treatment or procedures for the participant named below. 

Finally, I/we, the parents or guardians named below, undertake and agree to indemnify and hold blameless Generations Church, it’s pastors, representatives, and board from and against any loss, damage or injury suffered by my child/children as a result of being part of the activities of Area57 as well as any medical treatment authorized by the supervising individuals representing the church.

This consent and authorization is effective only when your child is/children are participating in or traveling to events by/with Area57